Google translation allows you to translate words or web pages into other languages. You may also configure the Google interface in the language of your choice.
To search within a number or price range, you will need to follow this search function.#..#
An example of performing a search within a number or price range is listed below.
HDTV's..$500 or to narrow down the search even more for a specific HDTV type try 720p..1080p OR 120Hz
Sccclibrary. (2013, February 7). Google Advanced. [Video File] Retrieved from
When searching for a particular site, it is important to begin searching for the site in a specific domain. Popular domain sites include: .gov (United States government sites), .mil (United States military sites), edu (United States academic sites), .org (organizations), com (commercial sites), and (for United States sites).
You may also want to search by a specific file type. The link provided will give a list of file types commonly searched for by users.
Use limits like intitle: or intext: to focus your search results.
An example of searching with limits.
intitle: Kirkuk status (the word Kirkuk must be in the title of the page)
allintitle: Kirkuk status (the word Kirkuk & status must appear in the title of the page)